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Grenada focuses on its food appeal

Regional 13 Sep, 2021 Follow News

Grenada’s reputation for culinary delights is growing

Grenada is known as the Spice Island and it is certainly living up to that moniker by going down the food tourism route.

A series of new programs will launch soon involving mainly food and drink. The Flavours of Grenada Culinary Camp, for example, is targeted at local children as well as visiting kids.

The sessions will be half day and range in price from EC$40 (KY$12.3) or EC$50 (KY$15.4) for island visitors. The plan is to have a minimal or no charge for local children. Other options, in addition to the farm and cooking sessions, will involve trips to the mangroves, swim excursions, exploring the fauna and flora, visits to the Rasta communities, cocoa farms and sugar cane fields. There are other food and culinary events planned.

Petra Roach, CEO of the Grenada Tourism Authority, said: “We want our visitors to experience our land, our people, our local markets, our waters - and not just our resorts.

"Kids will go to farms, learn about the crops grown and where food comes from, take a cooking class from one of our island chefs and then enjoy what they have made and prepared. There's a big connection between the agricultural sector and the tourism sector on Grenada, and we want our visitors to feel this connection.”

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