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Homes for St Vincent volcano victims

Regional 06 Oct, 2022 Follow News

St Vincent received $5m of building materials

The St Vincent and the Grenadines has gathered building materials to construct new houses for victims of last year’s volcano eruption that displaced a huge swathe of the population.

Building materials worth $5.3 million were imported from Jamaica’s Tankweld Ltd were made by the St Vincent government recently.

Montgomery Daniel, Acting Prime Minister, said the materials will be used to rebuild homes destroyed in the eruption of La Soufriere volcano in 2021. He said: “There has been $2.5 million worth of repairs carried out by the Roads Buildings and General Services Authority to 471 houses damaged by the eruptions. These repairs were carried out on houses which had minimal damage.”

Daniel said that on average, each house costs just over $5,000 to fix. He admitted that 700 houses still need to be repaired from minimal damage but 129 houses with serious damage have also been rehabilitated. He said: “These houses were repaired at a cost of $3.7 million; however, there are still more than 100 houses with significant damage to be fixed.”

A total of 21 additional houses will be constructed at Orange Hill to house displaced families.

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