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9 Children reported with Positive COVID 19 results today

COVID - 19 16 Sep, 2021 Follow News

9 Children reported with Positive COVID 19 results today

As of 8 AM Thursday, 16 September the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 1,214 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since the last report was issued on Wednesday, 15 September 2021.

There were fourteen positive test results. Of these, there are ten positive community tests which include nine George Town Primary School students and one prison officer. There were four positive tests in travellers.

There have been 104,609 COVID-19 vaccinations given in total in the Cayman Islands. Of these, 54,167 (76% of 71,106) have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 50,442 (71%) have completed the two-dose course.

“I know that news of more community spread is very stressful and worrying for many in the community. I want to urge everyone who is in insolation to please remain at home as it is the best way to contain the spread. I am also grateful to Public Health for their long-hours attending to contact tracing and in the laboratories to bring us these results, said Chief Medical Officer, Dr John Lee.

“Please do not leave home until you are advised directly of your release by a Public Health official.”

The Ministry of Health & Wellness along with Public Health wish to remind the community of the importance of mental health and psychological support especially during times where you may have to quarantine. Caring professionals can be accessed through the Mental Health Helpline at 1.800.534-6463 (MIND), Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Public Health also continues to advise the public that if anyone is having any respiratory symptoms to please contact their general practitioner, usual health clinic, or the flu hotline for advice. Public Health will advise if it is required to attend the ‘flu clinic or other centres for testing or assessment. The ‘flu hotline can be contacted on 1-800-534-8600, 345-947-3077 or flu@hsa.ky.

Residents who suspect that an individual has breached quarantine may make an anonymous report to 943-SAFE (7233) or file an online report at www.exploregov.ky/travel .

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