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Active Hurricane Season Expected

Front Pages 03 May, 2021 Follow News

Active Hurricane Season Expected

By Staff Writer


Counting down to the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season with one month to go before the season officially starts on June 1st, and this year is predicted to be more active than usual, according to Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology Project.

They are forecasting 17 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes which exceeds the 30-year average (1991 to 2020) of 14 named storms, seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes.

Last year’s record-breaking hurricane season produced 30 named storms and forced the US National Hurricane Centre to resort to the Greek alphabet after using up the standard roster of 21 storm names.

A record nine storms were named in 2020 using the Greek alphabet

However, from this year storms will only be named using the standard method as many people found the system last year to be confusing.

The US National Hurricane Centre said acting on the advice of the World Meteorological Organization, Greek letters are dropped this year and forecasters will instead pick names from a supplemental list this year if the need arises.

It's also being reminded that although the official Atlantic hurricane season runs from June through November, storms can occasionally develop outside those months.

Last year Tropical storms Arthur and Bertha each formed in mid-to late May.

Published standard storm names for this year are; Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Julian, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, Wanda.

The supplemental names for 2021 are: Adria, Braylen, Caridad, Deshawn, Emery, Foster, Gemma, Heath, Isla, Jacobus, Kenzie, Lucio, Makayla, Nolan, Orlanda, Pax, Ronin, Sophie, Tayshaun, Viviana and Will.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is used to measure storm strength.


Category 1

Wind (mph): 74 - 95

Damage: Minimal - No significant structural damage, can uproot trees and cause some flooding in coastal areas.


Category 2

Wind (mph): 96 - 110

Moderate - No major destruction to buildings, can uproot trees and signs. Coastal flooding can occur. Secondary effects can include the shortage of water and electricity.


Category 3

Wind (mph): 111 - 129

Extensive - Structural damage to small buildings and serious coastal flooding to those on low lying land. Evacuation may be needed.


Category 4

Wind (mph): 130-156

Extreme - All signs and trees blown down with extensive damage to roofs. Flat land inland may become flooded. Evacuation probable.


Category 5

Wind (mph): greater than 156

Catastrophic - Buildings destroyed with small buildings being overturned. All trees and signs blown down. Evacuation of up to 10 miles inland

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