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Cayman Heart Fund donates specialized heart monitor to HSA

Health Care 17 Feb, 2022 Follow News

Cayman Heart Fund donates specialized heart monitor to HSA

Senior Nursing Officer, Karen Pinnock, explaining the functionality of the new machine

CardioQ TrueVue Oesophageal Doppler Monitor

The Health Services Authority is delighted to announce a donation of a CardioQ TrueVue Oesophageal Doppler Monitor from the Cayman Heart Fund (CHF) in collaboration with the paediatric programmes Team Nolan and Hart for Hearts.

The new equipment is used to monitor patients' blood flow or hemodynamic status to assess cardiac function.

“This machine will provide our clinicians real-time information about their blood flow allowing us to make real-time decisions about how to treat our patients with fluid therapy strategies or inotropic drugs to support heart function,” said Dr Joanna Kregiel, HSA Cardiologist. “This new, advanced doppler monitor will benefit patients undergoing surgeries that may have colossal blood loss or critically ill patients who require cardiac monitoring.”

The monitor was presented to the HSA at a hand-over ceremony attended by the CHF Patron H. E. The Governor Mr Martyn Roper, Deputy Premier and Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Hon Christopher Saunders and members of the HSA and Cayman Heart Fund teams.

“Funding lifesaving tools including AEDs and modern health services equipment is one of the core priorities of the CHF,” said Maureen Cubbon, Chairperson of the Cayman Heart Fund. “Supporting community access to high quality care and lifesaving equipment is essential to achieving our mission to improve cardiovascular health for all in the Cayman Islands.”

Lizzette Yearwood, CEO of the Health Services Authority expressed her gratitude to the Cayman Heart Fund. “We are grateful for this donation as it will provide real-time feedback to allow our clinicians to deliver better health outcomes. Our patients are at the centre of everything we do, and this new cardiac monitor will benefit both children and adults at the Cayman Islands Hospital.”

“In 2021 the CHF received a sizable donation towards our missions” said Dr Bella Beraha, Medical Director of the Cayman Heart Fund. “The CHF was delighted to be able to combine this with funds raised by the paediatric programmes Team Nolan and Hart for Hearts to purchase this equipment for the Cayman Islands community which costs over US $58,000. “Our sincere gratitude to all of the supporters who have donated over the years to Cayman Heart Fund and the paediatric programmes."



* Pictured on cover photo: (L to R) Dr Takeyce Palmer, HSA Anaesthetist; Joy Vernon, HSA Board Deputy Chair; Hon Christopher Saunders, Deputy Premier and Minister for Finance and Economic Development; H. E. The Governor Mr Martyn Roper; Dr Bella Beraha, CHF Medical Director; Karen Pinnock, HSA Senior Nursing Officer; Maureen Cubbon, CHF Chairperson; Ailian Evans, CHF Director and founder of Team Nolan; Katie O’Neill, CHF Director; Suzy Soto, CHF’s Founder; Dr Joanna Kregiel, HSA Cardiologist; Lizzette Yearwood, HSA CEO.

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