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Community Notice: The Department of Education Services Issues Reminder for Student Registration for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

Community 03 Aug, 2020 Follow News

Community Notice: The Department of Education Services Issues Reminder for Student Registration for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

The Department of Education Services (DES) has issued a reminder to all parents and guardians of students in the government school system that the 2020 /2021 Academic year commences on 26 August 2020 and that registration for students is ongoing.

The Education Law 2016 requires a parent or legal guardian of any child of compulsory school age to register and enroll that child for full-time education suitable to the child's requirements either by attendance at school from the first day of the school calendar or otherwise.

Parents and guardians must review these guidelines and complete forms for any and all of the following scenarios:

• A child is five years old by 31 August 2020 must be enrolled in an approved educational programme/facility;

• A child needs to be transferred to a government school;

• A child needs to be withdrawn from a government school;

• A parent has decided to or is considering homeschooling.

The guidelines and forms for school registration are located on the DES website at schools.edu.ky and the Facebook page @educationcayman.

Also found on the DES website is the guidance and measures that have been developed to ensure the safe reopening of schools.

The direct link to access the registration guidelines and forms is: https://schools.edu.ky/Pages/SchoolRegistration.aspx.

The direct link to access the school reopening guidance and measures is: https://schools.edu.ky/Documents/ReopeningBooklet.pdf.

For any additional question and guidance please contact the DES Registration Team at email edu.registration@gov.ky.

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