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COVID-19 Procedures at WORC Apollo House West

Community Notices 24 Mar, 2020 Follow News

COVID-19 Procedures at WORC Apollo House West

During this time of national uncertainty, we appreciate the spectrum of vulnerability across our diverse customer base of individuals, families, corporate entities, and public sector partners alike.

Given the potential for COVID-19 to cause significant socio-economic impact to the Cayman Islands, the team at Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) is actively evaluating and making changes to our policies and service delivery methods as necessary to responsibly maintain continuity of operations.

For the safety of both staff and customers, we encourage all of our customers to utilise the phone numbers and email addresses provided and to avoid in-person attendance at the WORC offices at Apollo House West.

This advisory is only one of what will be a series from WORC to keep customers in the know on matters relating to our services.


Employment Services

We recognise that COVID-19 will potentially result in the displacement of Caymanian employees, and as such we are pursuing strategic solutions to connect Caymanian job-seekers with employment opportunities and support services.

Our Employment Service Officers are equipped for remote working, and as such they will proactively establish contact with our current and newly registered Caymanian Job Seeker customers to offer specialist guidance, support, and assistance via phone and video conferencing.

If you have registered and have not yet been contacted, we ask that you reach out to the one of the Employment Service Officer listed below:

• Rohan Webster – 244-4020 or rohan.webster@gov.ky

• Felipe Terc – 244-4026 or felipe.terc@gov.ky

• Priscilla Powery-Livingston – 244-4021 or Priscilla.powery-livingston@gov.ky

• Tania Ebanks – 244-4023 or tania.ebanks@gov.ky

If you are Caymanian job seeker and require assistance in finding employment, contact:

• Shantannia Bryan – 945-9672 or email shantannia.bryan@gov.ky


Please be reminded that for matters relating to the administration and enforcement of the Labour Law and Pensions Law, customers can contact the Department of Labour & Pensions at 945-8960 or email dlp@gov.ky


Passport Endorsements Stamps

Effective 20 March, until further notice, WORC will no longer provide passport endorsement stamps.

If your Work Permit has been approved and you have received a Work Permit License (approval letter), do not come to the WORC office. Your Work Permit License (approval letter) will act as the authority you need for any travel purposes.

If you have not received your Work Permit License (approval letter), contact:

• WORC Call Centre – 945-9672 or Customer Care WhatsApp 925-7199 or email generalqueries@worc.gov.ky.


Work Permit Renewals

In the interest of reducing the burden on medical personnel and facilities, applications submitted between 20 March and 20 May for a renewal of a Work Permit will not require a medical.

Additionally, applications related to medical and essential services personnel will be considered on a priority basis to assist in rapidly surging critical resources.

While we manage resource constraints internally, we ask for customers’ patience where delays are experienced in relation to applications for the grant of a Work Permit, Permanent Residency, or Caymanian Status.


Application Drop Offs

Customers dropping off applications are asked to place completed documents and payments (cheques are preferred) using a drop bag that you will be given at the WORC office door. Customers will be asked to fill out the drop bag details and leave this with WORC staff for processing. Should a member of the team need to contact you, we will do so with the information provided on the application. Where payments are by cheque, customers’ receipt will be sent via email.


Job Registration and Job Postings

Using a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer, Job Seekers and employers can register and interact with our JobsCayman platform. Unfortunately, due to technical constraints, the JobsCayman platform cannot currently accept registrations or job postings via mobile phones.

Employers and Job Seekers who are already registered, are encouraged to visit www.worc.ky for ‘How To’ guidance while additional assistance can be accessed by calling 925-9639 or emailing generalqueries@worc.gov.ky 8am – 4pm Monday thru Friday.


Training & Development

Workshops have been cancelled for the next 2 weeks, however, key team members are accessible via phone or email from8am – 4pm Monday thru Friday:

• Passport2Success – Paul 925 5827 | paul.puckerin@gov.ky

Ready2WorkKY – Antonette 926 6286 | antonette.mcfarlane@gov.ky

• National Training & Development & Ready2WorkKY– Dianne 925 7230 | Dianne.conolly@gov.ky



Customers wishing to lodge a complaint should do so by email only, by contacting worccomplaints@gov.ky.

This email address will be checked daily and resulting actions handled by a WORC Compliance Manager.

Residents of Cayman Brac are also advised to utilize the WORC complaints email address or to send written complaints addressed to WORC Complaints Manager (Confidential) P.O. Box 1098, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1102.

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