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Cuba’s stem cell treatment for virus

International 27 May, 2020 Follow News

Cuba is using stem cell research for tackling the virus

Cuba’s National Institute of Haematology and Immunology announced it has started a clinical trial to use stem cells in people convalescing from Covid-19.

According to Dr Consuelo Macías Abraham, director of that institution, it is about the use of adult stem cells in Covid-19 patients who have lung lesions, the report said. “We have been able to include in the study patients classified as seriously and critically ill while hospitalised who had acute respiratory symptoms,” she said.

“It has been possible to appreciate in them the permanence of inflammatory or fibrotic lesions, aftereffects of the infection by the new coronavirus, detected by means of high-resolution Computerized Axial Tomography.”

She specified that the aim is to eliminate or reduce post-infection pulmonary interstitial or fibrotic inflammatory lesions, preventing the progression of the disease and improving the person’s quality of life.

Essentially, the treatment could benefit all critically and seriously ill patients with proven lung lesions. “We have already treated patients from Havana and patients from other provinces are being recruited.”

She told Cuba News that “the trial marks the beginning of the care of the recovered patient in the national health system, including the primary level, with a comprehensive first-level study and the possibility of consultations with other specialties.”

According to the latest data, the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) reported 15 new Covid-19 patients on Tuesday, in which there were no deaths due to the disease, according to Dr Francisco Durán, national director of epidemiology.

With the new positive cases, the number of infections on the island totalled 1,931, of which 177 remain hospitalised.

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