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Fitness Predictions

Health Care 29 Jan, 2020 Follow News

Ernest Ebanks

January is an exciting time – you have a clean slate to become who you want and accomplish what you want in the year ahead.

In the world of fitness, this time of year means tons of new faces and lives being changed. New Year's magically pulls people to exercise – maybe you're feeling the pull yourself.

Here are 5 predictions for the year ahead:

1. 2020 is the year that many will lose weight and regain their health. Times are changing. People are realizing that obesity has gotten out of hand, and exercise is back in the spotlight.

The real food movement is taking the globe by storm as people turn away from fast and processed foods and return to wholesome, nutritious meals.

2020 will be the year that many people adopt a healthier lifestyle and drop the extra weight. Maybe even you.

2. 92% of all New Year's Resolutions will end in failure. While millions will start gung ho in January with lofty goals for massive weight loss, the reality is that most will fail. Here's why:

They bite off more than they can chew.

In all the excitement of becoming a better person and transforming their life in the New Year, they make the crucial mistake of committing too much. But reality soon sets in and they give up.

Want to be apart of the 8% who will achieve their resolutions?

Then set realistic goals.

• Instead of resolving to lose 50 pounds by June, commit to exercise 3-4 times each week.

• Instead of resolving to give up all carbs, commit to bring healthy snacks to work.

• Instead of resolving to drop 3 sizes in 3 months, commit to losing 1 pound each week until you reach your desired size.

• Instead of resolving to never eat out again, commit to eating healthy all week and reward yourself with one meal out on the weekends.

Remember that the whole point of making a New Year's Resolution is to become a healthier, happier and more successful person. Small changes done consistently will make a big difference.

3. I will help boatloads of new clients drop hundreds of unwanted pounds in 2020. At this time every year I am flooded with new, motivated clients who are ready to change their lives. Starting in January and right through December, I will see these amazing people face their fears, dig in with determination and accomplish great things.

That's why I love what I do so much.

Hundreds upon hundreds of pounds will be lost under my watch this year.

4. Every single new client that sticks with my program in 2020 will lose the weight. There are no maybes when it comes to me and weight loss. It's what I do, and I do it well.

When a new client comes in to share their goals, I put together a plan to make those goals a reality. Sure, you have to follow the plan, show up for workouts and change how you eat.

And the results are all yours.

5. When you join my program your success is guaranteed. You will no longer be among the 92% who will let go of their fitness goal around February 1st. You'll be in an elite group who put their money where their mouth is.

My clients meet their goals – the only question for you is what are you waiting for?

I predict that 2020 will be an amazing year. Come prove me right :)


Call Ernest at Body Shapers Fitness 325-8696 or email me today at bodyshaperscayman@gmail.com to get a jumpstart on your best year yet.

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