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Local News 18 May, 2020 Follow News

A bright and airy new store

Woody Foster

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt not only for its toll on public health across the world but increasingly in the supply and cost of good and services.

Leading supermarket outlet Fosters Supermarkets report that they are committed to keeping their prices reasonable and affordable in this crisis but have to adapt to developments in the supply chain.

In a release, Fosters state: “As the world continues to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the supermarket industry continues to see price increases across a range of products categories like meats, poultry, fish and eggs.”

According to Fosters, in April, grocery prices in the US saw the largest one-month increase since February 1974, according to the latest stats from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The supermarket advises its many customers that “over the last few months, we’ve been working to keep price changes to a minimum in our stores, and we’ll continue to do so as we monitor market trends.”

However, it notes, “you may find that some minor price increases do occur.”

“When this happens, please know that we were simply unable to maintain the previous price. Rest assured that at no time have we ever, nor will we ever, raise prices because of increased demand,” the supermarket said in a statement.

In a direct appeal to shoppers, Fosters encourages them to bring to the attention of management any issues that they might not be clear about, especially regarding prices.

“If you do see pricing that doesn’t look right, say something,” the management says.

“We aim to be as accurate and transparent as possible and our in-store management team is always there to assist. Similarly, if you notice something after leaving one of our stores, email or message us on social media.”

Meanwhile, Fosters updates that they while the supply of products return to a somewhat normal level, there are some high-demand products in our region or globally which remain scarce, and many products have been cut from production while manufacturers focus on producing only high-demand products.

The supermarket says it is continuing to source alternative products from any quality source (when available) to ensure our community have the products they need, at the best price possible, during this time.

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