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Health Care 05 Aug, 2020 Follow News


I am not talking about the horse’s tail. This is actually a herb with great health benefits. It has a great appreciation for being one of, if not the best, natural diuretics available. It is also highly valued for its effects on the health of the kidneys, for slimming, depurative and detoxifying. It is a plant that grows abundantly in the clay soils of the humid regions of the northern hemisphere. Currently, it can be found in the whole plant mainly on the banks of rivers, streams and grassland. Apart from its cleansing properties, it is notorious for its aesthetic and regenerative properties.

AS A DIURETIC - Its pony tail is one of the best natural supplements that exist to help promote fluid removal, making it ideal for those who suffer from inflammation, arthritis and gout, for those with kidney and gall bladder, and stones in the kidneys.

SOFT DEPURATIVE - Combined with other plants such as nettle, dandelion, and milk thistle, it allows for the purifying of our bodies from toxins. It is traditionally used once a day for a month twice a year, especially during spring and autumn.

HELPS WEIGHT LOSS - Because of its cleansing effect it helps prevent and eliminate cellulite. It fights the toxins in our body making a great ally of those who want to lose weight. It is to be noted that what is eliminated is fluid and not fat.

BONES AND TENDONS - The pony tail contains a high value of minerals. This makes the plant known for its remineralizing effect. In the process it helps in nourishing and strengthening our bones. Research has also shown that it prevents cavities and osteoporosis, as well as, is great for the healing of wounds. It is, therefore, a great complement for the sport loving person because of its positive effect on the tendons.

Like always consult your health care provider if you desire to give this a try.

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