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Health Care 11 Mar, 2020 Follow News


I know many people are not fans of prunes. My family and I love it. Prunes are basically plums that have been dried naturally in the sun without undergoing any fermentation process. Researcher Bahram H Arjmandi of Florida State University says, “I have tasted numerous fruits over my career including figs, dates, strawberries and raisins. None of them comes close to having the effect on bone density as does prunes.”

This fruit that’s all crinkled and wrinkly is packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals including iron and retinol. Here are some reasons to have at least 3 per day.

IMPROVES VISION - They are a great source of vitamin A. Just one prune delivers 3% of the RDA intake of this vitamin. Not bad I would say.

ANTIOXIDANTS - Blueberries are high on this scale but prune surpasses them by far. Researchers from Tufts University, Boston, ranked prunes, or dried plums as the number one food in terms of antioxidants.

HEART HEALTHY - “They are high in potassium, an important mineral that ensures proper functioning of the heart and nerve response throughout the body,” according to Dr. Adarsh Kumar, Internal Medicine, National Heart Institute. Daily intake of potassium helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of problems such as dizziness.

RELIEVES CONSTIPATION - Recently our son had a bout of this. It was painful and uncomfortable. We recalled that prunes were useful for this. We had him eat 3 for the day. And indeed he was freed up. You see they help the body in digesting food properly and enhance regular bowel movement. 1 prune provides 3% of the RDI of fiber. Sorbitol, the natural sugar present in the prune functions as a laxative. Prunes are also great for the enhancement of the health of your hair and skin. So, make sure that you enjoy this awesome fruit daily.

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