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Health Care 06 Sep, 2022 Follow News



There have been 47,751 laboratory-confirmed monkeypox cases reported bу WHO to date, with global case counts increasing Ьу 9% in the past week (data as of 29 August)[1]. Over the past week, Spain reported the highest increase in cases, and overall the highest number of cases have been reported Ьу the United States of America (16,965), Spain (6,459) and Brazil (4,216)1.

As of 29 August, there have been 15 monkeypox deaths reported globally1.

[1] World Health Organization, 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak: Global Trends, Produced 30 August 2022. Online report, availaЬle at https:/ /worldhealthorg.shinyapps.io/mpx_global/ (accessed 30 August 2022)

Cayman lslands

There has been по laboratory-confirmed cases of monkeypox in the Cayman lslands to date.


The World Health Organization {WHO) defines obesity as “abnormal ог excessive fat accumulation that may impair health”. А body mass index {BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2 is labelled as overweight, and BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 is labelled as obese.[1] А high BMI is а significant risk factor for several non-communicaЬle diseases
{NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension and cancer. lndividuals who аге obese in their childhood tend to remain obese in adulthood, and аге at risk for non-communicaЬle diseases from а younger age. Obesity affects all age and socioeconomic groups, and threatens to overwhelm both developed and developing countries. According to the 2012 STEPS Chronic Disease Risk Factor Survey, more than а third {36.6%) of adults were obese, and а larger proportion {70.6%) were overweight in the Cayman lslands.[2]
There аге several steps which сап Ье taken to prevent individuals being overweight ог obese. There has been а shift in diet globally to include energy-dense foods high in fat and sugar, and physical inactivity increasing as lifestyle and work patterns becoming more sedentary. Ву altering diet to include more fruit, vegetaЫes, legumes, whole grains and nuts and participating in regular physical activity the risk of obesity сап Ье reduced.

[1] World Health Organization. {2021, June 9). Obesity and Overweight. World Health Organization. https:/ /www.who.int/news-room/f act-sheets/ detai 1/ obesity-and-overweig ht

[2] 2012 STEPS Country Report Cayman lslands. (n.d.). Www.who.int .
https:/ /www.who.int/pu Ы ications/m/item/2012-steps-cou ntry-report-cayman-islands

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