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Local News 24 Jul, 2020 Follow News



Aligned with the vision for a world-class Civil Service, the new look for GOV.KY is slated to be tested this weekend, beginning Friday, 24 July. Subject to successful testing, we will move to formally launch the site.

Clean and uncluttered, this launch version will provide better viewing of Government services and contact information, access to news, video and social media content, and an improved mobile experience. Take a quick web tour here.

As a collaboration between Computer Services and Communications teams, the new GOV.KY will be the official source of Government news, information and services. Some of the benefits include:

Content Management System allows for better digital information management

Enhanced citizen engagement through improved navigation, access to information and feedback portal

Integration of social media promotes digital democracy

Iterative approach means user experience continues to improve

Ability to pivot during critical times

The new GOV.KY will feature an enhanced Press Room which will enable users to search for news by category, and by date. Access to archived press releases will also be provided. Other sections of interest include easy access to live streams, a visual events calendar, noticeboard and campaigns.

The launch of the new GOV.KY signals the completion of the first phase of the web replatforming project and heralds the beginning of the second phase, which will involve the migration of other government websites.

As work continues to build upon this launch version, the goal is to strengthen the Cayman Islands Government's online presence which will help to enhance overall reputation and improve the way we serve our community.

For questions or clarifications, please email communications@gov.ky.

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