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Opposition bring multiple motions and questions to LA

Politics 25 Jun, 2020 Follow News

Opposition bring multiple motions and questions to LA

Opposition bring multiple motions and questions to Legislative Assembly meeting

The members of the Official Opposition have submitted a total of 19 parliamentary questions and 5 private members motions for the upcoming meeting of the Legislature which begins on Monday June 29th, 2020.

In addition, Bodden Town West MLA, Mr. Christopher Saunders has also seconded two motions submitted by the Member for North Side MLA D. Ezzard Miller, which ask for provisions in the Customs Tariff Law to allow duty exemptions for warranty replacements and duty-free importation of medicines, medical and surgical supplies.

The Opposition members motions are attached

The Government, in defiance of the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly did not allow Opposition members to submit any business for the last meeting of the house; hence the abundance of motions and parliamentary questions being tabled at this meeting.

The Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Mr. V. Ardern Mclean said:

Our system of government requires that the role of the Opposition is to hold the Government to account, influence debate and represent our constituents’ interests. Although we have been allowed to submit our business for this meeting, it remains to be seen whether the Government will make any attempts to answer the 19 parliamentary questions.

It has now become a regular practice for the Government members to treat parliamentary questions with distain, rather than embracing the opportunity to publicly explain and justify their policies and decisions. Without these important checks and balances, we are in danger of devolving into a dictatorship.

Per standing orders of the Legislative Assembly, Thursdays are reserved for private member business so the Opposition will only have one day to get through the business normally covered in two meetings. We intend to work expeditiously to get Opposition business completed, which will only happen if the Government brings their ‘A game’ for change.”.

Deputy Opposition Leader Mr. Alva Suckoo, MLA added:

“It is regrettable that we are in this position of having to cram the work of two meetings into one. It is also disappointing, when you consider the numerous times the Opposition has abandoned ‘politics’ to help the Government get its agenda through. We have supported all the Governments financial services bills in solidarity with the Government despite the recent failings, which landed us on the E.U. Blacklist, and we supported the Constitutional amendments which were passed unanimously. The Premier says that this is not the time for politics, I think he needs to take his own advice now.”.

Mr Anthony Eden, Savanah, MLA concludes:

“The Opposition members have in good-faith attempted to work with the Government and I am hopeful that the Government will in good-faith ensure that the people’s business gets done when we meet next week.”.

The Sixth Meeting of the Assembly will begin at 10:00am on Monday June 29th, 2020 and is expected to conclude on Thursday July 2nd, 2020. The proceedings will be aired live on Radio Cayman and can be viewed live on GIS TV and the GIS YouTube Channel.

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