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Health Care 28 Oct, 2020 Follow News

Sea Kelp

Sea Kelp is an important food element of East Asian countries for many, many centuries. It has tremendous health benefits. Sea Kelp is a type of brown algae found in the coastal waters. It grows so quickly that in just 10 days of the previous harvest, it cultivates back completely. Due to its high, nutritious value people of many countries consume it on a regular basis to take advantage of its therapeutic benefits.

Kelp is an extremely rich source of magnesium, iodine, iron, potassium, and calcium. Depending on the type of seaweed or sea kelp being used the nutrition value will vary. It helps in stream lining metabolic functioning as kelp is a rich source of Vitamin B. Other minerals such as calcium and magnesium promote bone density and muscle health. It used popularly in Chinese and Japanese cuisines as it provides fiber, minerals, vitamins, and other necessary nutrition to the body. There is an element in it called FUCOIDAN, is known to fight cancer.

Kelp fights Iodine deficiency - Iodine is essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Low levels can also cause brain damage in children, and to the reproductive functioning.

Kelp decreases sugar levels - In a Japanese study of 40 women and 20 men it was found that when they were given varying amounts of fucoxanthin, a compound in the kelp, their blood sugar levels were lowered.

Kelp reduces inflammation - While inflammation protects the body from the attacks of foreign elements, it can also become a reason for chronic illnesses. Using kelp will aid this process.

Kelp decreases weight - It does so by delaying hunger. The fiber content of kelp can slow down the process of emptying the stomach. You remain fuller for longer. In a trial of 151 non-diabetic, obese patients to test Xanthigen mixed with pomegranate seed oil and brown marine kelp for 16 weeks, it was found that there was enhanced liver functioning, reduced liver fat, and enhanced weight loss.

Nature surely has provided us with tremendous healthy foods.

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