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Public Health issues isolation release platform & retesting criteria for positives

COVID - 19 02 Feb, 2022 Follow News

Public Health issues isolation release platform & retesting criteria for positives

Public Health has issued guidelines and a new online platform for persons to check their eligibility for isolation release when testing positive for COVID-19 on exit PCR. These guidelines for potential release are only for persons whom have completed their full isolation period, are asymptomatic and are within certain CT values. Parameters for persons who require retesting are also now available.


CT values 32 or over (on exit test)

• Completed isolation period (7 days for vaccinated and 10 days for unvaccinated, unvaccinated children isolate based on the vaccination status of parent/guardian)

• All CT values are 32 or over on an exit PCR test

• No symptoms for at least 24 hours (you may still have dry cough, loss of smell and taste, runny nose)

Individuals who meet these criteria can submit an early release request to Public Health through the online form by link https://forms.monday.com/forms/5cebb229a086aeee98ea08c7a01fdd7a?r=euc1 or at www.hsa.ky/public-health. The form will require the uploading of your exit PCR result. If the criteria are met and receive an isolation release exit confirmation email, no further action is required and you can leave isolation. All submitted results will be verified in the Public Health database to ensure its authenticity.


CT values 28-31.9 (on exit test)

• Please contact Flu Hotline for further assessment (flu@hsa.ky, 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077)


CT values 27.9 and under (on exit test)

If you have received a positive PCR result with a CT value less than 28 upon exit testing at the end of your isolation period, please follow the retesting guidelines below.


Criteria for Retest:

• Completed isolation period

* 7 days for vaccinated

* 10 days for unvaccinated

* Unvaccinated children isolate based on the vaccination status of parent/guardian

• Isolation exit test with a CT value of 25-27.9: repeat PCR testing 2 days after your last PCR test

• Isolation exit test with a CT value 20-24.9: repeat PCR testing 4 days after your last PCR test

• Isolation exit test with a CT value under 20: contact the Flu Hotline for retesting date


Note: the retest date is counted from the date you took your previous exit PCR Test.


For example:

• Isolation exit test taken February 1. If your values are 25-27.9, retest on February 3 (2 days later).

• Isolation exit test taken February 1. If your values are 20-24.9, retest on February 5 (4 days later).


If you have questions regarding your CT values please contact the Flu Hotline flu@hsa.ky, 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077.

As a reminder, if you have a negative PCR result upon exit testing, the lab result will serve as your isolation release letter. No further action is required and you may resume normal activities.

The new online platform will accept exit PCR results that are no older than 7 days. If someone still requires a letter for older results, they can use the previous request form on www.hsa.ky/public-health.

Any PCR results submitted that have been tampered or falsified will be investigated and could be in breach of the COVID-19 regulations.

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