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Residents discuss vaccination concerns

Local News 28 Jul, 2021 2 Comments Follow News

Kattina Anglin giving her presentation

Dr. Gideon Barnett

By Christopher Tobutt


With the banner: “Your choice – use your freedom to defend your freedom,” a group of concerned citizens gathered at George Town Hall for what was described as an, “Educational seminar on patient rights, informed consent and the legal position on medical treatments and experiments,” on Saturday 24 July.

The seminar explored the topic of the erosion of the established right in law and in medical ethics to consent surrounding free consent for the Covid 19 vaccine, especially in the light of developments which have made vaccinations for work permit holders mandatory, when permits are up for renewal. Kattina Anglin, who helped organize the meeting, said that although she stayed silent when frontline medical workers were being obligated to have the vaccination, the issue she saw developing surrounding work permit holders’ rights could no longer be ignored. There were three main presentations during the evening. The hall filled up and was packed when the meeting was in full flow, and although there was a strong Christian theme to all the presentations, many different viewpoints, both religious and secular, were represented by those who came.

Pastor Dwayne opened the presentations with a quote from the Book of Revelation, chapter 13 vs 16 & 17, “The beast forced all the people, small and great, to rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hand or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without this mark.” He said that although the vaccine wasn’t the mark of the beast, it showed that the world was heading in that direction, because of all the pressure that was being put on people to receive it, so that it had incentives such as travel and being able work attached to it and the coincidence was too similar to be ignored.

During his presentation Dr. Giddeon Barnett said, “We honor our leaders that does not mean we worship our leaders or always obey when they go astray…we want our leaders to empower people with freedom…that means, proper education about key issues.” He quoted at length from established principles of patient consent, both in law and in medical ethics, from the quoting from US, UK and Cayman legal and medical authorities, highlighting as he went the key areas where present practice in the Cayman Islands is leading to a lack of true consent. Part of the framework of true consent is disclosure of information concerning the treatment, including side effects and negative consequences, as well as viable alternative treatments, he said, and this information had been lacking. He also explained at length the accepted stages for the clinical trial of a vaccine, showing that some of the final stages had effectively been skipped because the process has been rushed, effectively leaving the vaccines at the experimental stage. Consent was therefore framed within the context of a medical trial, making elements of coercion even more serious.

Ms Anglin explored this theme further, saying that there was presently no FDA approval for the vaccine, and therefore what is being undertaken really comes under the heading of a “clinical trial,” rather than a bona fide established vaccination programme. Ms. Anglin said that for true consent to be achieved, all the promotional material should explain that it is still at the trial stage, as well as informing people of the mounting list of evidence showing adverse and even lethal reactions to the vaccine, which her research had shown included 11,000 vaccine-related deaths and 36 thousand vaccine-related hospitalizations. To date, she said, there were a total of “491,217 ‘Vaccine Adverse Reports.’”

Coercion should never be used to get people to take part in a medical trial, she said, and employers mandating vaccination as a condition of employment constituted coercion, as did the Government mandating work permit holders to have the injection as a condition for work permit renewal. In addition, she said, all such Incentives such as lottery and prizes should be classified as coercion.

Ms. Anglin likened some of the pressure being put on work permit holders and other selected segments of the population such as the elderly to have the vaccinations to the medical experiments that were done to thousands of people by the Nazis during World War II: “Today what we are seeing is not new…and appears to be the replication of the Nazi approach to the elderly, the disabled and those who were ill through its T4 program,” she said. M.s Anglin listed both the UN declaration on human rights, as well as the European Convention on human rights at length, to show exactly how present practices in the Cayman Islands were contravening these rights.

After the presentations one question concerned the use of human fetal tissue in the development of the vaccines, and the moral implications of taking a vaccine with DNA derived from human fetuses.

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David Carlson

29 Jul, 2021

This is why you may never reach 80%

Liberty Man

29 Jul, 2021

Great to see! These gene therapies contain nanolipid particles that biotech companies have not been successful at making non-toxic. We've never witnessed so many doctors and scientists speaking out against a medical intervention. Their common concern is that the synthetic spike protein is creating antibody dependency enhancement, which will result in many people with severe illness from just the common cold. The coordinated effort to force society into a health pass is not going away unless we take a firm stand for common sense bodily autonomy. Is there anyone who thinks they wouldn't continue to move the goal posts with a health pass (e.g., now that you're in, you need to take five to ten "boosters" a year to maintain that green check mark).