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Santa comes to Bodden Town

Community 23 Dec, 2021 Follow News

Kids got to meet Sant

Lots of hot dogs and hamburgers

Vasei Barrett

Fun on the bouncy castle

Lots of fun at Coe Wood Beach

Mr Dwayne Seymour and all the beautiful bicycles

By Christopher Tobutt


There were bouncy castles, hamburgers, hot dogs, cold fruit punch and lots and lots of gifts when Dwayne Seymour, Elected Representative of Bodden Town East put on a great big Christmas family fun-day at beautiful Coe Wood Beach. But most of all there were lots and lots of smiling faces, and lots of laughter coming from the children who had come with their moms and dads.

“We have been doing this for over ten years now,” said Mr. Seymour, better known as John-John, said. “Whether I’m elected or not I just have a passion to ensure that kids, at Christmas Time especially are appreciated and feel loved, and know that people of this community care for them. We need to appreciate our children.”

When Santa Claus came to Bodden Town there was even more excitement, as the kids lined up and Santa gave each one a present. But the presents didn’t end there. Mr. Seymour had bought 25 gleaming new bicycles that were going to be raffled, from little toddlers’ bikes right up to full sizes Huffy mountain bikes.

“Today for the first time we are raffling a washing machine, raffling a stove, and also raffling an item for the volunteers. We wanted to show that the parents have got something to look forward to also,” Mr. Seymour said,“This is only one of what we are going to do throughout this district. We are going to every senior’s house, and delivering a gift and a basket, then we are also handing out turkeys and chickens and hams Bodden town east community led through Dwayne Seymours office.

Of Course, it wouldn’t be possible to do all these things without lots of volunteers, and some of them were young people from Clifton Hunter, as well as all the faithful volunteers who always support Mr. Seymour’s community events. Vasei Barrett, Assistant Administrator in Mr. Seymour’s office, said, “I am helping do the food, we have burgers, hot dogs, cupcakes and fruit punch. Another volunteer, Andrene Rankine said, “its good for the community with JJ (“John John”). I want to support his events because he is a beautiful person, inside and outside. I have known him for about 25 years. I drive a taxi so I bring in all the gifts for the children. John-John pays for all the gifts. Beautiful, can’t be better.”

Cory McGee, Director and Founder of In-between Dreams, a non-profit for young people, said, “We have an inflatable theme park so we always want to come out into the community and bring some energy into the community. One of the dads, Daniel, said, “It’s awesome because there’s nothing better than seeing the kids smile.”

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