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Health Care 17 Jun, 2020 Follow News


We use it 24/7. We take it for granted that it is there and will always be there for us. While we look after almost every organ and system in our bodies we inadvertently ignore this one - OUR BRAIN. This month is designated, “BRAIN HEALTH MONTH,” and for good reason. The rise of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s is troubling and becoming a global catastrophe. So, here are my recommendations to ensure your brain is kept healthy.

Botanicals have been shown to sharpen memory, thinking and mood. 60% of your brain is fat. Therefore, eating healthy fats is crucial to optimum brain health. You should always include raw coconut oil, avocadoes, nuts and seeds in your daily regimen.

ASHWAGANDA - used for years as a natural herb to combat symptoms of depression as it stimulates adrenergic signalling and lessens chemicals associated with depression.

RAW VIRGIN COCONUT OIL - helps combat Alzheimer’s disease. It has an exceptional fatty acid content, sporting a high volume of MCT’S, which are broken down in the body and become ketones. These help in cognitive functions by breaking down amyloid plaque in the brain.

GINGKO BILOBA - For as long as it has been known, this herb has always been used as a tonic for the mind in Japan. It improves blood flow to the brain making cognitive processes faster.

GOTU KOLA - has a long standing History in Asia as the BEST herb for brain nourishment. It is known to make the mind sharper, calmer and more fluid.

GUARANA - In one study this was shown to have the greatest effect on alertness and task performance.

SHILAJIT - is a potent detoxifier for the brain. It has been shown to assist the assimilation of nutrients, minerals and oxygen into the brain, and aids in removing dangerous toxins.

WALNUTS - My favourite. I munch on these throughout the day. Shaped very much like our brain, walnuts are packed with brain – boosting nutrients, and are recognized as the ultimate brain food. For a supplement for years I have been using, “4 LIFE RECALL.” It is awesome. In fact, it includes a full dose of the patented Transfer Factor ingredient. If you wish to know more call me at 9246837.

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