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Health Care 26 Jun, 2019 Follow News


Known as, “Non-exercise Thermogenic Activity,” this form of exercising has powerful results. NEAT is the amount of energy expended by the body by any activity excluding deliberate exercising, sleeping or eating. This may include walking, typing, gardening or any other form of chores. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body produces heat. NEAT allows one to burn more calories while at work or doing daily activities. So, how can this help me?


INCREASES METABOLLISM - Any form of physical activity performed by the muscles requires energy. For this the body increases the production of energy through various chemical processes like digesting food and breaking down nutrients. This increased metabolism prevents fat storage and thereby help in weight loss as needed.


REGULATES FAT DISTRIBUTION AND PROMOTES FAT LOSS - NEAT utilizes the fats in the body for the production of energy. This energy is produced as a result of fat metabolism and not that of carbohydrate metabolism. NEAT was also found to reduce waist circumference and abdominal fats thereby regulating the fat distribution and determining body shape.


PREVENTS WEIGHT GAIN - By increasing energy expenditure, NEAT can prevent fat gain. In a study conducted in 16 non-obese persons, it was found that NEAT, compromising of daily activities, posture maintenance, and fidgeting, led to two- thirds in the energy expenditure. Performing more NEAT, helps in staying lean and smart.


Here are the top 10 NEAT activities that you can perform daily:


Walking, household chores, fidgeting, gardening, using the stairs instead of the escalator, playing games, working while standing, cycling, pursuing hobbies, and grocery shopping. These may seem so simple but you will be amazed at the awesome results you will experience.

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