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UCCI hosts GirlForce 100

Local News 27 Jan, 2020 Follow News

UCCI hosts GirlForce 100

On 17 January 2020, the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) hosted local representatives from 100 Women in Finance's (100WF) flagship youth mentoring programme Girl Force 100.

GirlForce 100’s team met with 17 of UCCI’s female students to introduce the programme and its vision. They outlined the many benefits of GirlForce 100 mentoring sessions, career clinics, workshops and group events.

“UCCI’s goal is to provide our students with holistic development including career support and relationship building outside of the classroom. One of the most important things that we can do for our students is to help them create a network of relationships with those that have their best interests in mind. We hope that every single UCCI student has not just one but multiple mentors,” said UCCI's President & CEO, Dr. Stacy McAfee.

Laurie Mernett, senior member of 100 Women in Finance and Co-Chair of the 100WF Cayman Impact Committee, and Lara Deysel, also a senior member of 100 Women in Finance and Chair of the 100WF Cayman GirlForce Committee, talked to the group about their personal career journeys. “We currently mentor approximately 50 mentees across two local high schools. We inspire each of our young women to reach their fullest potential through events, one on one mentoring sessions and working in conjunction with our community partners, one of whom we are proud to say is UCCI. We feel that the collective vision of both GirlForce 100 and UCCI are aligned in education and propelling our youth forward towards their goals. 100WF will be launching GirlForce 100 in UCCI for the 2020/2021 school year,” said Laurie Marnett.

“Forming relationships is the backbone of GirlForce 100 and we are strengthening our connectivity this year to provide all the support our mentees need whenever they need it. Life is a journey and the career choices you take come through that journey. In the earlier stages of your career journey, you are faced with tough decisions, but you can refer to the conversations taken in our programme that will guide your path in your decisions,” said Lara Deysel.

UCCI offers dual diplomas to students who wish to obtain the local degree in addition to US and UK accredited degrees, respectively. If you are interested in starting your success story at UCCI, visit our website at ucci.edu.ky or set up an appointment with our admissions team by calling 623-0567.

GirlForce 100, a female youth mentoring initiative for 100 Women in Finance, a global finance industry organization, pairs local 100 Women in Finance members with young women who have indicated an interest in a career in finance and have demonstrated notable potential meriting their placement. The programme was developed to guide the career paths of young women from school, through tertiary education and into the finance industry. If you will like to be part of GirlForce 100 please contact GirlForce@100women.org.

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