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Visitors save stranded turtle

Environment 28 Aug, 2023 Follow News

Visitors save stranded turtle

A stranded turtle has been saved thanks to the assistance of a family who were visiting Grand Cayman, the Department of Environment reported recently. The Schneiderwind family found a nesting green sea turtle earlier this month that had tried to climb over a low cement seawall, but fell off back onto the sand. The fall meant the turtle had turned onto her back and was therefore in need of assistance to get back up. The visiting family found her the next morning and managed to get the turtle turned right side up so she could make her way back to sea.

The DoE expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Bill, Debi and Anton Schneiderwind for helping the turtle, which they have named Naomi, make it safely to the sea, especially as the turtle weighed anything from 300 to 400lbs, so turning the animal over was not easy.

The DoE say if anyone finds a sea turtle in distress, call their 24/7 hotline anytime day or night on +1 (345) 938-NEST so that they can assist and log the incident.

Anyone considering plans to build structures, particularly along coastal areas, is invited to email the DoE’s Environmental Management Unit on emu.doe@gov.ky  early in the process.  They can offer advice on how to build sustainably while minimising impact on native wildlife, like Cayman’s nesting sea turtles.

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