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Who is an NPO?

CIIPO 21 Dec, 2017 Follow News

Who is an NPO?

Information & photos submitted by featured NPO

Feed Our Future has a very simple mission — to provide children in need regular and dependable ac-cess to healthy meals so that they can lead healthy and productive lives. Children are at risk because their families cannot afford to keep food on their tables.


The Feed Our Future Board of Direc-tors remain focused on confronting the national issue of hunger, and providing a tangible safety net and solution that empowers many of our Island’s children and provides relief to struggling families. Feed Our Future is working to reduce hunger in Cayman’s school so that hunger does not become an obsta-cle to the child’s development and learning. At Feed Our Future we work hard to make every donation dollar count. These are examples of our donor’s money at work:



• Our annual school meal pro-gramme services up to 200 chil-dren daily.


• We work with all Government schools in the Cayman Islands, including the schools in Cayman Brac.


• We support school counsellors, after-school programmes and behavioural inclusion units through the provision of healthy snacks and breakfast items for their pantries.


• We deliver life skills workshops to benefit the parents and chil-dren we support – ‘Cooking Matters,’ which aims to build skills that enable families to shop for and cook healthy affordable meals and ‘Shopping Matters,’ which teaches the value of stretching food bought in bulk and cooperative and comparative shopping.


• Our workshops are delivered with the help of a dietician (one of our volunteers), as proper nutrition is key to our mission.


• Summer represents a long stretch of missed meals. Our ‘Recipe for Summer’ food pro-gramme aims to bridge this gap and offers children (and families) that rely on a subsi-dised school lunch a weekly basket of fresh foods over the summer months. This food programme is also designed to expose families to healthier food options, and to equip them to cook healthier foods for their children whilst foster-ing good habits related to the planning of meals and stretch-ing the food available to them. Over the 8 to 9 weeks of sum-mer, this programme’s reach extends up to 100 children.


• “Educational Enrichment”: Most recently, Feed Our Fu-ture has extended its pro-grammes for the children we support at the primary school level to include support of an extended day program fo-cused on at-risk students. This programme expands the mis-sion of the foundation by ad-vocating for underprivileged children to be educated, therefore advocating for chil-dren’s needs beyond their need to be physically fed, but to be nourished educationally through access to specialised services such as literacy, nu-meracy, music, and art, expos-ing them to a broad range of learning environments.



Everyone has a role to play – from individuals to organisations, Gov-ernment to the private sector. Through partnerships with con-cerned citizens we can raise more awareness, reach more children, source more food, and empower more children to live up to their full potential.


Together we can connect the hun-gry children in our community to the nourishment they need to help them thrive.


For more information email info@feedourfuturecayman.org.


Featured NPO Feed Our Future


General Registry are reaching out to non-profit organisations about the mandatory registration under the new NPO law.


For more information email: paul.inniss@gov.ky or cigereg@gov.ky.

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