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YMCA hosts 5th Annual Leaders for Youth Conference

Local News 13 Jan, 2020 Follow News

YMCA hosts 5th Annual Leaders for Youth Conference

YMCA hosts 5th Annual Leaders for Youth Conference

The YMCA of the Cayman Islands will be hosting their 5th Annual Leaders for Youth Conference from January 17 – 18, bringing together up to 150 YMCA staff members, volunteers, teen leaders and community partners. The conference is the YMCA’s largest training and development event each year, with workshops this year including: Social Emotional Learning for Teens, Skills for Child Protection, Enhancing Mathematics, and Being Aware of Children’s Needs. Workshops will be facilitated by a combination of local and international presenters, including: the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (M.A.S.H), National Drug Council, Special Needs Foundation, Toastmasters, YMCA of Greater St. Petersburg (Florida) and the Westfield Area Y (New Jersey). The Family Resource Centre, LIFE, National Trust are also participating in the conference resource fair.

As part of the Latin America and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs (LACA) After-School Enhancement Programme – sponsored regionally by CIBC First Caribbean International Bank – YMCA leaders from across the Caribbean will travel to Cayman to participate. With financial support from the Y’s Men International, delegates from the YMCA's of Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago. Each of these associations are building on the after-school programmes in their country and the conference provides a unique and significant opportunity for the region’s YMCA leaders to collaborate in-person.

The theme for this year’s conference is “All Aboard!” - especially fitting given the diverse Caribbean contingent. YMCA youth leaders are called to be fully equipped and prepared to navigate the unsteady waters that negatively alter the course of our youth. Critical to their success is to deeply ingrain the core values the YMCA teaches everyday – honesty, caring, respect, responsibility and faith. The ship only reaches a safe destination if leaders remain steady at the helm, and the 5th Annual Leaders for Youth Conference will provide attendees with the tools to remain the steady force our youth rely on.

The YMCA would like to thank the following supporters of this year’s conference: Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture & Lands, CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, Y’s Men International, YMCA of Greater St. Petersburg and Westfield Area Y.

For more information about the YMCA Cayman Islands, log on to www.ymcacayman.ky, email info@ymcacayman.ky or call 926.9622.

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