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Alex Panton Foundation launches “Stay in & Chill” Project

Community 27 Mar, 2020 Follow News

Alex Panton Foundation launches “Stay in & Chill” Project

On 25 March 2020, the Alex Panton Foundation (APF) launched the “Stay in & Chill” Project in collaboration with the Health Services Authority (HSA) and the Ministry of Community of Affairs, under the instruction of Human Concerns Cluster. This project is designed to support students how are practicing safe isolation, by providing them a range of free virtual activities, workshops, and resources in order to stay healthy and emotionally connected. The working group behind this project consists of clinicians and educators.

Students are invited to join the private “Stay in & Chill” Facebook group. There will be a range of live sessions taking place via Zoom or recorded sessions for students to participate in and watch.

To join:

Students can find the “Stay in & Chill” group by visiting the Alex Panton Foundation’s Facebook page, scrolling down, finding the group and pressing “join”. A flyer (attached) has also been sent out to all students who are self-isolating in the designated hotels, and in government and private schools.

For more information on this and to look out for upcoming events, please visit our website www.alexpantonfoundation.ky or contact info@alexpantonfoundation.ky or edu@alexpantonfoundation.ky


About the Alex Panton Foundation

The Alex Panton Foundation (APF) is a non-profit organization, founded by Wayne and Jane Panton in memory of their son Alex who succumbed to the effects of severe depression at aged 16. The APF’s mission is to improve the mental health of children and young adults in the Cayman Islands through advocacy, awareness and support. One of the aims of the APF is to provide hope and educational resources to those suffering from anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. APF also provides information and support to friends, family, teachers, students, carers and the wider population through various forums and seeks to address discrimination and the stigma of mental illness.

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