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Health Care 03 Jun, 2020 Follow News


With the current situation where almost all of us are locked down, most of us are undoubtedly gaining weight and that too in the most unwelcomed place - around the waist. You see the older we become the worst this problem of belly fat becomes. We try diet after diet, you run like crazy, you starve yourself and yet there is no respite. Frustration sets in and more often than not we throw our hands in the air as a sign of giving up. But you do not have to this. So, here are three simple routines you can indulge in:

1. AFTER YOU EAT - After each meal simply take a 10- 15 minute walk, a brisk walk. You can take this walk outside and just walk 5-7 minutes one direction, and then turn around and walk back. At the end of the day, you would have walked 30-45 minutes and by extension 15-20 hours a month. Just like that. Walking is an amazing activity that relaxes your body. In this case your digestion improves. This means that the nutrients from the food will be utilized for energy instead of storing fat.

The stress hormone cortisol is lowered. This means less belly fat, higher testosterone, growth and thyroid hormones- all burning more fat for you. It also lowers blood sugar levels by up to 50%. Another remarkable benefit of this approach is that it aids in reducing high blood pressure.

2. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING - Exercising first thing in the morning is better than any other time- on an empty stomach. NOT WITH WEIGHTS BUT CARDIO. You see in the morning you have very little glycogen in the muscles and liver. By doing cardio, more specifically fast walking means you will burn much more fat. I suggest not lifting weights at this time.

3. “The third best time to do your cardio is after your weight training,” according to Dr. Sam Robbins. You burn less fat and actually lose more muscle when it is done before. So, these are some easy steps to beat quarantine BELLY FAT.

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