DCFS Seeks Nominations for 2022 Older Persons Month Ambassadors; deadline Friday 2 September
Every year, the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) designates individuals in the Cayman Islands community as "Ambassadors" for its Older Persons Month, observed in October.
For 2022, DCFS invites nominations for two ambassadors, to celebrate those persons' achievements, leadership and/or advocacy in supporting older persons and contributions to the community (full criteria provided below).
DCFS has created a fillable PDF nomination form available here<https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gov.ky%2Fcontent%2Fpublished%2Fapi%2Fv1.1%2Fassets%2FCONT7196BBAADB72477BA3C8C7DC7567B195%2Fnative%3Fcb%3D_cache_723f%26channelToken%3D4085fcf4c9bf3af4583d286a36c001b3> and to download from gov.ky press release: https://www.gov.ky/news/press-release-details/nominations-2022-opm-ambassadors
Please send completed form as an email attachment to dcfs@gov.ky
The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 September, 2022.
1. This award is annually given to an individual of good character, age 65 years and older, for making a substantial impact at a community, district or national level in the Cayman Islands.
2. This award recognizes an individual's leadership in the promotion of and participation in charitable causes and organizations in support of older persons.
3. Recognition will be given to individuals who advocate to enhance the lives of other older persons.
4. This award recognizes the contributions of persons, in their older years, who also contribute to their community by serving all generations.
5. The nominee should have participated in a broad scope of activities over the course of more than three years. This is not an award for a single event no matter how well it was executed.
6. Recognition will be given for leadership and performance for work above and beyond his/her paid profession.
7. This award will not be given posthumously.
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