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Eastern Districts Libraries Summer Hours

Community Notices 24 Jul, 2023 Follow News

Eastern Districts Libraries Summer Hours

The Cayman Islands Public Library Service (CIPLS) announces a temporary change of operational hours for East End and North Side Libraries every Saturday, effective 5 August through 30 September 2023.

Both libraries will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The public is advised that the temporary hours will apply to Saturdays during the specified period.

 “This initiative is an effort to serve the residents in the eastern districts who generally spend Saturday mornings on the opposite side of the island conducting errands such as shopping or visiting family and returning home after the libraries have closed,” said CIPLS Acting Director Kevin Goring who believes the initiative will increase the number of visitors every Saturday and better serve the community.

For more information about this initiative, please contact East End Library, 947-7729; North Side Library, 947-9362 or email caymanlibraries@gov.ky

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