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Opinions & Editorial 04 Mar, 2021 Follow News


The commonly used phrase “there’s a time and place for everything” has its origins in scripture and has been adapted over the years to fit every circumstance imaginable.

But the original scriptural reference has been grossly taken out of context down to the ages and even to our modern times.

The point is: some things have neither time nor place - and are just not acceptable.

In the heat of political battle, it has become the norm that ‘the heat is turned up a few notches’...and then some more for added effect and impact.

But there comes a point where, by virtue of acceptable community standards, certain lines are not crossed.

Getting carried away in ‘the moment’ does have its consequences; be it legal or otherwise disrupting the standards by which our society governs and regulates itself through our laws, and cultural norms.

Of course, creativity shouldn't be curtailed. In fact, it should be encouraged. But even then, creativity has its time, place, tact and taste. That's what's makes it creative.

Disparaging just for the sake of doing so is distasteful.

At a time when Cayman is at its most vulnerable, that’s when the best of us and the best in us is called for.

Frankly, much of what we are being assailed by (vocally and visually) as the election campaign hits a peak leaves much to be desired.

The discourse seems destined for a drop in standards of political interaction, especially via social media and in other parts of the campaign sphere.

The world is watching Cayman...and Cayman is perhaps scrutinised more than any other small nation.

We have a lot to be proud of to get that attention but at this critical juncture, we can’t afford to let our guard drop.

Raising our standard of debate and how we engage should be the name of our game.

It’s a matter of tact and taste.

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