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“GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY.” Luke chapter 2: 8-10

Opinions & Editorial 21 Dec, 2020 Follow News

“GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY.” Luke chapter 2: 8-10

Today’s society are searching frantically for joy in their lives. Some are searching for some joy for their lives but they are searching in the wrong places, the wrong things and the wrong people. They are searching for joy through drugs, alcohol, wealth, fancy cars, fame and fortune. And yet at the end of the day it fades into nothingness. So, the ultimate question is, “HOW CAN I FIND REAL JOY?”

First let us distinguish between joy and happiness. Happiness is a temporary feeling dependent upon external things. Joy is dependent on Jesus Christ. The prophet Nehemiah writes in chapter 8:10, “THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH.” Why is the birth of Jesus Christ declared as great joy?

FIRST - IT WAS HIS BIRTH THAT USHERED IT IN. Notice the angels said, “Glad tidings of great joy.” Not temporary but fulfilling and everlasting joy. It was not for a certain group of earthlings but to all mankind no matter your race, creed or nationality. The angels said it most profoundly, “it would be to all people.” Do you have this unmatchable joy?

SECOND - HIS EARTHLY MINISTRY BROUGH GREAT JOY. When Jesus walked upon this planet of His, everywhere He went and everyone He touched received great joy in their lives. Joy came to blind who could not see, the deaf who could not hear, the dumb who could not talk, the lame who could not walk, the demon possessed who was in the enemy’s clutches. Great joy came to all who witnessed Him raise the dead to life and deliver people from Satan’s power. Notice in the Holy Bible in the gospels it records, “they went away walking and leaping and praising God.” Do you have this Great Joy?

THIRD - HIS DEATH WOULD BRING GREAT JOY. This is the ultimate purpose for which He came to the earth. There is no greater joyful and exultant moment than when a person comes to know Jesus as their Saviour. Jesus Himself declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Scripture also tells us that, “there is rejoicing the Heavens with the angels over one soul that comes to repentance.” Imagine if at this very moment you pause and ask Jesus to come into your life, forgive you of your sins and make you a brand new creature, the angels in Heaven will burst out into unspeakable joy. I recall clearly that momentous night when Jesus came into my life. The joy was indescribable. Do you have this unspeakable joy?

FINALLY - THE JOY THAT HE IS COMING SOON. Make no mistake dear reader - HE IS COMING SOON. Look around the world and witness the mind boggling things occurring. Look around here in Cayman. The soul of the nation it seems is up for grabs. Signs of the times as prophesied in scripture are being fulfilled rapidly. Wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, delinquent children, idolatry, fornication, and adultery have gripped this planet that no one cares any more. Jesus promised that He will come again even as He said, “I go prepare a place for you, and if I go I will come gain and receive you unto myself? What assurance. When He returns it will be a time of GREAT JOY. Are you ready for this Glorious, joyful return?

On behalf of the team at the Caymanian Times, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

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