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Heads of Judiciaries want govt alliance

Government 10 Aug, 2022 Follow News

Sir Anthony Smellie will soon retire

Heads of Judiciaries from across the Caribbean Region and Bermuda met in Grand Cayman recently for a two-day Conference of Chief Justices and Heads of Judiciaries, hosted by Cayman’s Chief Justice Sir Anthony Smellie.

Speakers at the opening ceremony included the Acting Governor of the Cayman Islands, Franz Manderson and Cayman Islands Premier Wayne Panton. The conference theme was ‘Administering Justice by Use of Information Technology: Building on Covid-19 Experiences’

Among the key outcomes was a resolution to establish a forum for communication between the regional Heads of Government and the Heads of Judiciaries in tackling crime and other pressing regional issues.

“Our July meeting of the Conference of HoJs was, by all accounts, highly successful,” Sir Anthony said.  “Over the course of two long days a very full agenda was discussed, resulting in no less than 11 very meaningful resolutions for the advancement of our work for the administration of justice both within each of our member countries and regionally.”

The soon-to-be retired Chief Justice said that it was an honour for the Cayman Islands and for him personally to have hosted this meeting for the second time, the first being in 2007.

“The Conference at its meetings provides a very important forum for the HoJs to consult and collaborate towards the improvement of access to justice for our citizens of the region,” he added.

Among other major outcomes of the Conference was the sharing of lessons learned through IT during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were six recommendations made one of which was that Conference members commit to collaborate with one another and to share good practices and assist in disseminating these along with their lessons learnt.

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