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How to Support Democracy in the Cayman Islands

Advertorial 27 Nov, 2023 Follow News

How to Support Democracy in the Cayman Islands

Expressions of interest welcomed for Appointment to Commissions


The Cayman Islands has six (6) commissions, established under the Constitution Order (2009) and other legislation, that play a pivotal role in upholding democracy and supporting good governance in the islands, namely: Commission for Standards in Public Life (CSPL), Constitutional Commission (CC), Human Rights Commission (HRC), Judicial & Legal Services Commission (JLSC), Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and Civil Service Appeals Commission (CSAC).

The commissions are comprised of esteemed members of the public with a professional background encompassing diverse skills, knowledge and expertise relevant to the mandate of the commission.  Appointments to the commissions are made by Her Excellency the Governor, Jane Owen, in consultation with the Premier and Leader of the Opposition. The operational work of the commissions is supported by the Commissions Secretariat.

Currently, four (4) commissions have openings for Chairman and Member positions – i.e. CSPL, CC, HRC, and JLSC. Her Excellency, in inviting expressions of interest for appointment to these commissions, has commented “I would like to encourage community members to express their interest to serve on the Commissions. This is an opportunity for passionate individuals to support their communities and take a lead role in steering the good governance of the Cayman Islands. The work of the Commissions are interesting and varied and we welcome a wide range of applicants.” 

Experienced professionals with a high degree of integrity and a passion for contributing to the betterment of the Cayman Islands are encouraged to apply. The duration of appointment is typically two (2) to four (4) years. The requirements for appointment vary by Commission. For further information, visit https://www.gov.ky/careers/sagc/  and apply on or before 3rd December 2023. 

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