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Health Care 26 Feb, 2020 Follow News


This is an awesome fruit. It packs a punch as it relates to health benefits, and also taste. It’s used to make a delicious fruit cocktail. But what is this Passion Fruit all about. It is a tropical, flowering vine, known as Passiflora, that grows in warm climates including South America, South Africa and India. It contains a soft pulp and lots of seeds inside a hard rind. People can eat he seeds and pulp, juice it, and add it to other juices. It contains high levels of vitamins A and C.

It is also rich in anti-oxidants, which are compounds which help to mop up free radicals from the body. Anti-oxidants help in reducing cellular stress and inflammation.

The pulp contains a high volume of dietary fiber. Fiber helps regulate the digestive system and keep the gut healthy. This serves to control constipation. The American Heart Association has identified the value of fiber in its role in reducing cholesterol, as well as, improving heart health.

Passion fruit, a tropical fruit has low glycemic index. That means it does not cause any alarming increase in blood sugar after consuming it. Therefore, it is safe for diabetics.

Some research suggests that a compound found in passion’s fruit seed could improve a person’s insulin sensitivity. This virtue is a great development for those who have diabetes.

Loaded with heart- healthy potassium and low sodium, there’s no arguing that this is a powerful fruit to add to improve your heart health.

When eaten with seeds it gives a high volume of fiber which in turn can remove excess cholesterol from the blood vessels thereby reducing heart disease risk. In addition, since it is low in sodium it means that it will be beneficial in reducing blood pressure.

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