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The Hon Roy McTaggart, Leader of the Opposition

Government 22 Sep, 2022 Follow News

Roy McTaggartr

Files A ‘Lack Of Confidence In The Government’ Motion In Parliament


The Leader of the Opposition, Hon Roy McTaggart, advised the public of the following on Wednesday:

“I have today filed in Parliament a motion of ‘Lack of Confidence in the Government’.  The motion is seconded by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Joey Hew, and supported by the entire Opposition.  

The Opposition Leader explained, “We have, in the Cayman Islands today, a government beset by controversies of its own making; mired in confusion and internal division, and incapable of effective action. 

“Our Islands are facing significant challenges, and we cannot afford a government asleep at the wheel. There are those in Government whom we believe wish to see the country progress and are very capable if given the opportunity and the right environment. Several of them have spoken to us about their frustrations with the current leadership, or lack of leadership, and the general unease in their Caucus. I urge them to vote in favour of this motion when it comes to Parliament. By voting in the affirmative, they will be voting for a fresh start and will have taken a patriotic step in helping rescue our Islands from a state of malaise.

“From the outset, we have tried to be constructive and to offer our ideas to a government that lacked experience and had no coherent programme. 

“I offered to work with the Premier on the national Covid response and the re-opening of our economy. I gave him a range of suggestions to help families facing the cost-of-living crisis. I warned the

Finance Minister during the budget session that his budget plans ignored the looming dark clouds of increasing inflation. He ignored those warnings, and the country is suffering because of it. We have also brought motions to Parliament seeking to drive forward action that will benefit our people.

“These have been ignored or, at best, taken up grudgingly and after needless delay. But ultimately, with no real action.

“The business of effective Government is proving impossible due to a lack of leadership coming from the current Premier and the apparent divisions within the Cabinet and Government Caucus.

“Meanwhile, the cost-of-living crisis is escalating. Families face considerable hardship while many local businesses grapple with rocketing costs and a squeeze on profits. The Government forecasts that Cayman’s economy will still not have recovered to its pre-pandemic level by the end of this year, twenty months after the PACT government took office. It is clear where the accountability for failure needs to lie.”

Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew said, “These failures to deliver results for our people are further compounded by ineffective governance.

“We have seen Ministers breaking the Code of Conduct that they themselves devised. We have seen Ministers making policy announcements that they have to walk back due to a lack of support from their colleagues and the public.

“In recent days, we have seen the divisions in the PACT Government revealed again, with both the Premier and a Minister claiming credit for supposedly getting Speaker Bush to agree to step down as Speaker; and with the Premier publicly reprimanding his Minister for not showing restraint.

“Members of the public are also concerned about the lack of implementation of many common-sense measures suggested by the Opposition to address the cost-of-living crisis affecting families.  The Premier and his Government have done little to assist our people.  And then only after being prodded by the Opposition to act”. Mr Hew also lamented the lack of sittings of Parliament to tackle the various problems being confronted by the country and consequently any remedies. He said “The Country deserves better.”

Mr McTaggart took up that theme, “Yes, the country deserves better, and we need an alternative government that is ready to step in and take the action our country needs.

“We hope responsible members of the government will be persuaded by the debate that we will put to Parliament and that they will support our motion of no confidence. The Progressives, along with a coalition of the capable, can then look to form a government to take the country forward over the two and a half years that remain before the next general election.

“Given the challenges facing the country, new experienced leadership offers the best route to putting in place the Government and the programme of action that the Cayman Islands need.

“Cayman is crying out for strong, capable leadership. Our people need action from the Government to support them through the challenges ahead. The country needs action that only an experienced Progressives-led government can deliver.”

In closing, Mr McTaggart said, “the convention in our Westminster system of Government demands that a motion on a lack of confidence in the Government is a matter which ought to be dealt with expeditiously. Such a motion places the Government in an untenable position and a position of uncertainty. So, we expect this motion to be dealt with when the Parliament next meets on October 5th, 2022 “.

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