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Two Arrested for Work Permit Violations

Law Enforcement 11 Oct, 2022 Follow News

Two Arrested for Work Permit Violations

A joint strategic operation on 6 October conducted by Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) and the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) resulted in two people being arrested on suspicion of working outside the limitations of their work permits. Investigations are ongoing and lines of inquiry and questioning are continuing with their employers.

The operation is part of the WORC Compliance Unit’s remit to tackle illegal employment in the jurisdiction, in addition to other breaches of the Immigration Law.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Border Control & Labour Hon. Chris Saunders said, “It is disappointing to see that there are individuals and companies that continue to flout our Immigration laws, which are in place to protect both Caymanians and immigrant workers. We should never have a situation where an individual is brought to the Cayman Islands without a valid job and means of support. As an employer, you must be certain of your ability to pay those that you hire. You must have valid work for them. To do otherwise is against the law. We live in a small community, where the good often suffer for the bad. Should we have to put more barriers in place to weed out fraudulent permit applications, legitimate employers will also have to suffer longer processing times and more rigorous background checks. I urge both prospective employers and employees to remain aware of the consequences of breaking the law. Violations will be investigated and prosecuted.”

WORC continues to receive reports of individuals on work permits who are not working with their listed employers and are instead seeking alternative employment outside the conditions of their work permits.

The WORC Compliance Unit will continue its operations to ensure that all individuals resident in the Cayman Islands are here with a valid WORC permit or landing facility and not here illegally. Offenders will be prosecuted to ensure the public is aware of the serious consequences of committing any breaches of the Immigration Transition Act.

Individuals on work permits are reminded that if they are found in breach of any conditions, their work permit could be revoked.

WORC’s strategic compliance operations are expected to continue over the next several weeks.

Members of the public who wish to make a complaint and remain anonymous should complete the online complaints form on www.worc.ky or email worccomplaints@gov.ky.

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