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Why Does The Premier Continue To Enable & Promote MP McKeeva Bush?

Government 24 Apr, 2023 Follow News

Opposition Leader. MP Roy McTaggart

The entire country must have been somewhat surprised that Premier Wayne Panton, on Friday, April 21st, appointed the MP for West Bay West, Mr McKeeva Bush, to the Public Accounts Committee, or PAC.  The PAC is a high-profile standing committee of the Parliament whose role is to scrutinise the reports of the Auditor General regarding government expenditure. 

The Members of the Opposition received notice on the evening of April 20th that the Premier wanted Mr Bush to replace MP Dwayne Seymour, now a cabinet minister, on the PAC.  Ironically the notice was received almost to the day of the second anniversary of Premier Panton agreeing for Mr Bush to join his PACT Government and offering him the role of Speaker of the House.

Once again, despite his many admonishments of Mr Bush and the court charges faced by Mr Bush, Premier Panton continues to promote his former speaker into high-profile political positions.  It begs the question of whether Premier Panton’s claim that he cares about the treatment of women in our society is genuine.  Instead, it would appear the Premier is more interested in appeasing some members of his government in a desperate attempt to cling to power.

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