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With Every Vaccine We Are ‘One Step Closer’

Community 01 Jul, 2021 Follow News

With Every Vaccine We Are ‘One Step Closer’

Couple Maisy and Zac Kelly are pictured arriving at Owen Roberts International Airport ready for their vacation

CBC officer Raymond Gayle is pictured arriving home from work to be greeted by his daughter Kayleigh

With a further shipment of COVID-19 vaccines having arrived on 16 June, the Cayman Islands Government (CIG) is urging all residents to get “One Step Closer” to borders reopening with a new communications campaign.

The new ‘One Step Closer’ vaccine campaign launched last week. The campaign images offer the audience a snapshot of the future, promoting how working together to get vaccinated the local community can get back to doing things we all miss. The creative executions are aimed at different interests of the community and collective hopes for the future. These are through travel adventures, reuniting with families abroad and having the peace of mind of protection from COVID-19 for those working on the front line and the entire community.

While prior COVID-19 related campaigns have focused on emergency messaging urging people to stay home and stay safe, this campaign aims to provoke an emotive response by looking to the future.

The One Step Closer campaign moves away from the illustrations used in the earlier campaigns and uses photography.

Most of the shots were taken in the Cayman Islands by local photographer Rebecca Davidson, and all of the ‘models’ used in the shoot are representing themselves going about their everyday activities, portraying their dreams for the future and how the vaccine will help them get back to normal.

The campaign will be launched across a number of media channels through social media, retail, roadside and across private channels.

The creative team extends special thanks to photographer Rebecca Davidson and models Maisy and Zac Kelly, the Bergstrom family, the Arch family, Raymond Gayle and daughter Kayleigh, Diane and Seth Davidson, Rovana Faber and Dave Stone, Bendel “Benny” Ebanks from the Cayman Turtle Centre and Kimpton Seafire staff Imron Brown and Shandie Tatum.

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