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WORC Enforcement Operations Continue

Local News 24 Jul, 2023 Follow News

WORC Enforcement Operations Continue

 The Compliance & Enforcement Unit at Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) continues its operations with the support of other enforcement agencies such as the Department & Labour (DLP), Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) and Customs & Border Control (CBC).

In mid-May, WORC received information about persons working illegally, which resulted in an operation being carried out at an air-conditioned business and two (2) persons were arrested on suspicion of breaching the Immigration Transition Act.

The result was a fine levied against two separate employers and two employees for the offence. In mid-June, WORC partnered with DLP and completed on-site inspections at beauty salons and a grocery store. WORC arrested one (1) person and this matter continues to be under investigation.

DLP officers issued five (5) audit letters which identified various breaches under the Labour Act and the Pensions Act. The audit letter requests employers to provide specific information in accordance with the Labour Act and National Pensions Act. If the requested information is not received, it may lead to a report of the employer being noncompliant with the law.

At the end of June, information was received of persons working illegally at a business in the eastern district. RCIPS joined in this operation and provided helicopter assistance. CBC Officers also joined due to a report about a possible illegal person working on-site. The investigation resulted in five (5) persons being arrested for breaches of the Immigration Transition Act. Both the employer and the employees are under further investigation.

WORC Director Jeremy Scott said “Well done to our Compliance & Enforcement team for carrying out these necessary operations to ensure persons and companies remain compliant with the employment and immigration laws of these Islands. Thank you to the officers from DLP, RCIPS, and CBC who partnered with us and provided support to ensure any arrests were made without incident.”

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