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Youth Volleyball Hits the Beach for Their BIG-little Tournament

Sports 21 Jan, 2020 Follow News

Youth Volleyball Hits the Beach for Their BIG-little Tournament

On Saturday, January 18th the Cayman Islands Volleyball Federation kicked off its youth beach season with a BIG-little tournament which pairs an adult player with a junior player. This tournament was played king/queen of the court style where teams rotated and each BIG played with each little.

Ailey Finch, 12, had this to say about the event, “I liked being with older people because they could help me and they were all so much fun. It made me feel like a good volleyball player. I can’t wait for the next tournament!”.

Players played seven games and accumulated points for each game won. Andrea Tognazzo went undefeated and was crowned Prince while Megan McCoombs won five of her matches and was crowned Princess. Alex McLaughlin and Alicia Proud took home King and Queen honours respectively.

The next youth beach tournament takes place on February 15th at public beach. For more information or to register please visit our website www.civf.ky. If you have any further questions or concerns please contact youth@civf.ky.

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