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A&E walk-in entrance to reopen after parking lot resurfacing

Health Care 10 Aug, 2022 Follow News

A&E walk-in entrance to reopen after parking lot resurfacing

The Health Services Authority (HSA) would like to advise the public that the Cayman Islands Hospital Accident & Emergency (A&E) walk-in entrance will reopen Tuesday 9 August 2022 after the completion of phase one of resurfacing the A&E parking lot. 

A&E patients can use the Seventh Day Adventist lot or two parking areas at the front of the hospital.

Phase two of the resurfacing will commence Tuesday 9 August on the next section of the A&E lot.  This will not affect patient flow into the A&E walk-in waiting room.  

We thank our patients for your understanding as we continue to enhance our facility to deliver better experience and care.

Please remember to bring your own facemask, as masks are still required at all HSA locations

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