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Celebrate Cayman calls for the names of unsung seafaring heroes

Community 18 Oct, 2022 Follow News

Celebrate Cayman calls for the names of unsung seafaring heroes

Celebrate Cayman is making an open call to former seafarers, and their families to put their names forward for the National Seafarers’ Registry so that they can be recognized in upcoming celebrations.

Developed in 2020, the National Seafarers’ Registry collects and documents information about the lives of the men and women who served as seafarers and supported the seafaring heritage of the Cayman Islands. This Registry is a critical component in the Cayman Islands Government’s mission to recognise the contributions made by seafarers, highlight our seafaring heritage, and celebrate the industry’s impact on the history and culture.

 “Seafaring has played an incredible role in the development of our country. While we have done tremendous work to build a comprehensive registry of the brave men and women who served, there are still persons who have made contributions whose names have not been submitted. We are calling for the names of these persons, to honour them for their service and to ensure they are recorded in Cayman Islands history”, said Celebrate Cayman Executive Chairman Mr Alfonso Wright.

Persons can log on to celebratecayman.ky to learn more and submit names by completing the simple registration form. The deadline for submission is Friday 28 October.

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