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Change for Change Coin Drive

Community 18 Jan, 2021 Follow News

Photos from the 2019 Change for Change Coin Drive. Meals on Wheels Volunteers collected donations from across Grand Cayman.

It’s that time of the year again! Time to gather up your loose change, empty your coin jar and give from the heart as we come together as a community to raise much needed funds for the Cayman Islands Meals on Wheels (MOW) through their annual ¢hange for ¢hange Coin Drive. Over 200 volunteers will be stationed around Grand Cayman on Friday and Saturday, January 29th & 30th collecting coin, cash and donations of any amount for Meals on Wheels. Last year’s Coin Drive unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite the challenges MOW continued to provide meals to the community, more than ever before when people were most in need. We are hoping to raise enough funds to provide over 6,000 nutritious hot meals to seniors and other vulnerable members of our community thanks to the generous donations of the community! Your loose change may not seem like it could make much of a difference, but when the community pulls together it all adds up to make a huge difference to serve those in need.

Meals on Wheels, General Manager, Jennifer West is looking forward to this year’s coin drive “We sadly had to cancel last year’s coin drive, but we are geared up and ready to go. We are looking for volunteer to cover 2-hours collect donations to benefit our seniors. Volunteers of all ages have always supported this fundraiser and we look forward to full community support once again to make it a success to meet our goal.” Collection locations include Credit Union, Butterfield braches, Buy Smart, Fosters Supermarkets, Cayman National Banks, Cost U Less, Book Nook, Atlantic Department Store, Atlantic Kids, Kirk Home Centre, Hurley’s Supermarket, A.L. Thompsons, and Kirk Market.

Ms. West went on to say that “The goal of this year’s coin drive is to raise $35,000.00, that one month’s costs to provide meals to the 315+ people that we serve daily!” Join Davenport Development & Cayman Islands Meals on Wheels, in the fight to end senior hunger in the Cayman Islands! To donate, volunteer or learn more email volunteer@mealsonwheels.ky, visit www.mealsonwheels.ky or call us on 769-1974!

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