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Health Care 24 Jul, 2019 Follow News


With healthy eating on the increase there’s a great awareness for healthier fat substitutes. Coconut butter is one of them. It’s made from the meat of the coconut also called, “copra.” It’s distinct from coconut oil. This butter is an ingredient in a variety of dishes, as well as, skin care products. This butter should not be refrigerated, and keeps in storage for 2-3 years. Here are some health benefits to derive from adding this delicious butter to your meals.


Easy to Digest - Due to its composition of medium triglycerides it does not need the action of bile to assist digestion. It’s absorbed easily through the wall of the intestine and is directly transported to the liver. Once it gets to the liver, it is used immediately as a fuel.


Antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral - About 50% of the fats in coconut butter are lauric acid. It’s also known to destroy pathogenic bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori and Listeria monocytogenes.


Weight Loss - This is a big issue these days. The body prefers to burn medium chain triglycerides instead of storing them. In other words the body treats coconut butter like carbohydrates, BUT THERE’S NO INVOLVEMENT OF INSULIN HERE. Great news. As a result it is an excellent choice for those in the weight loss arena. Coconut butter is also well known for its ability to raise HDL levels in the body and contains fewer calories than vegetable oils.


Prevents heart disease - It has been found that populations that consume large amounts of coconut and coconut- based products have lower rates of heart disease. This is especially true for nations such as India and Sri Lanka, according to The Coconut Research Center.


Health - conscious individuals should consider giving this butter and associated coconut products a try. You will surely go, “coconuts.”

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