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COVID-19 Surveillance Data

Health Care 20 Feb, 2023 Follow News

COVID-19 Surveillance Data

Weekly hospitalisations and deaths (since 8 September 2021*) a First COVID-19 patient was in March 2020, but hospitalisation figures begin September 2021 for graphical reasons.

COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital b Admissions include patients who are detected as being COVID positive on screening, c inpatient indicators are based on data received at the point of admission

COVID-19 vaccine uptake and coverage within the previous month. f Based on a Total Population of 71,432.

Vaccine uptake over time

Cumulative Autumn booster (typically Moderna) uptake overtime by age group.

January 2023 (data as of 3 February 2023)


Key points


In the Cayman Islands there were 17 COVID-19 hospital admissions in January 2023, which remains similar to the previous month of 16 COVID-19 hospital admissions. This includes individuals admitted for morbidity relating to their SARS-CoV-2 infection and those who test positive for COVID-19 when screened on admission and receiving hospital care for other medical needs. Two COVID-19 patients were admitted to critical care during January 2023. There were no COVID-19 deaths reported in January, and two COVID-19 deaths were reported in the previous month.**

An additional 432 Autumn 2022/2023 boosters were administered during January.

Genomic sequencing results from 83 positive SARS-CoV-2 samples in early December continue to present Omicron as the only variant currently circulating in the Cayman Islands. Among identified sub-variants, BA.5 and its descendant lineages are the most commonly detected (86%). The BQ.1 lineage attributed to 37% and BQ.1.1 attributed 20% of the sequenced samples. These trends align to the global picture, with BA.5 and its descendent lineages reported as dominant globally by WHO[1], and BQ.1 lineage is the predominant sub-lineage currently circulating in the UK[2], XBB and XBB.1 variants were identified in the samples from early December 2022, however are not indicated to be a commonly detected sub-variants.


[1] World Health Organization, 2023. Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 8 February 2023. Available online: https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/weeklv-epidemioloaical-update-on-covid-19---8-februarv-2023

[2] UK Health Security Agency, 2023. SARS-COV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England: technical briefing 49. Available online:

https://assets.publishina.service.aov.uk/aovernment/uploads/svstem/uploads/attachment data/file/1129169/variant- technical-briefing-49-11-ianuarv-2023.pdf

** Effective immediately, the Ministry of Health & Wellness will report information relating to COVID 19 deaths on a monthly basis, via the Public Health Spotlight publication.

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