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FINAL CALL - Auditions to join the Gimistory cast will be held 1 November

Community Notices 27 Oct, 2022 Follow News

FINAL CALL - Auditions to join the Gimistory cast will be held 1 November

Cayman National Cultural Foundation invites members of the public to audition for this year’s Gimistory storytelling festival. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, 1 November 2022.

Storytellers can choose from any genre, whether retelling a traditional story or sharing an original composition. Inspiration can come from here in the Cayman Islands, the wider Caribbean or from further afield, and can include love stories, history, comedy or perennially popular tales of duppies.

This year’s event will celebrate the best of our homegrown talent. If selected, storytellers will join Gimistory cast members including Nasaria Suckoo Chollette, Rita Estevanovich, King Navassa, Matt Brown and Jevy Ebanks, to name a few. Gimistory will be featured in districts throughout the Cayman Islands between 25 November and 2 December 2022.

Gimistory is Cayman’s international storytelling festival, established in 1999. Storytelling is a tradition as old as mankind and intrinsic to Caymanian heritage. It celebrates the art of communication, talking and listening, and conveying information, whether lighthearted or profound.

Members of the community who are interested in auditioning should complete an application form available on the Cayman National Cultural Foundation website. There are three age categories: youth (12+), adult (18+) and senior (65+)

Live auditions will be held at the Studio Theatre at the F.J. Harquail Cultural Centre on Tuesday 1 November from 6:00-8:00 pm. For those unable to attend in person, there is also an option to submit a video audition.

More details can be found on the Cayman National Cultural Foundation website https://artscayman.org/  or at https://caymannationalculturalfoundation.formstack.com/forms/gimistoryauditions

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