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Health Care 01 Sep, 2022 Follow News


When you bang your knee 3 times for the week against the coffee table, you will

notice the area becomes swollen or as we say, “ it’s inflamed.” Inflammation is the body’s response to injury and is designed to protect against further harm while also directing blood flow to the area to commence the healing process.

Now inflammation is a natural part of the body’s  immune response, usually a good thing, however, CHRONIC INFLAMMATION can be detrimental to the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to long term health problems as auto immune disease, osteoarthritis, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and high stress levels contribute to this situation.

Chronic inflammation can lead to some serious health problems including:

Increased risk for heart disease, high blood sugar and increased insulin resistance, chronic lung and respiratory issues, increased bone loss and lack of bone growth, sleep problems and unstable mood, and INCREASED RISK for certain cancers. Once discovered chronic inflammation must be dealt with promptly. Chronic inflammation can last for weeks

So, what are the common causes of chronic inflammation?

Injury or infection, autoimmune diseases like Lupus or Crohn’s disease, osteoarthritis, exposure to toxins, unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of exercise, persistent high levels of stress, use of tobacco products, poor oral hygiene, and excessive alcohol consumption. There is also research that consuming certain foods like refined carbohydrates are contributors as well.

Unfortunately, chronic inflammation does not always produce symptoms. However, here are some signs:

Excess body fat especially around the abdomen, high blood sugar levels, digestive issues, low energy levels, skin problems, allergies, puffy face, under eye bags, poor dental health, anxiety, depression, brain fog and erectile dysfunction in men.

 Always talk to your health care provider when these show up. In my next article we will examine the long-term effects of chronic inflammation. Until then, “ YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH.”

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