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Non-Profit: Good Samaritan Food Bank

Non-Profit Organisation(NPO) 04 Jul, 2018 Follow News

Non-Profit: Good Samaritan Food Bank

Attention all charities! Have you submitted your NPO application yet? To make sure you’re in compliance with the law, submit your paperwork before Tuesday, 31 July —and as a thank you, Government will waive the $300 application fee!


The Good Samaritan Food Bank’s mission is simple: to provide emergency food relief to those in need in the Cayman Islands.


Based on Grand Cayman, the organisation was launched in December 2017 by founders Woody Foster, Charles Boucher, Choppy Delapenha, and Marie Eden. They all have a shared objective of mitigating islandwide hunger, malnutrition, and poverty by providing access to healthy food.


In practical terms, the food bank collects food donations and distributes them to network partners or non-profit organisations that serve the most vulnerable populations in all districts. Whether it’s food pantries, Meals on Wheels, or the Hope for Today Foundation, distribution is done with little to no cost to the recipients.


The food bank is also determined to help reduce Cayman’s food waste by collecting unspoiled, healthy food that would have been thrown away and donating it to those who are in need. The idea here is simple: to feed people, rather than landfills, and empower lives through these nourishing efforts.


To help feed persons in need, the food bank operates a warehouse where food is collected, stored and then placed in grocery bags for distribution. The warehouse is also equipped with a prep kitchen that will eventually allow for the preparation, cooking and distribution of hot meals. None of this would be or will continue to be possible without the generous support of donors, volunteers, and network partners. The food bank exists through ongoing grassroots food collection and hunger awareness programmes, and by organising or being invited to become the beneficiary of local food drives and fundraisers like Camana Bay’s 2017 Christmas Give initiative, where they received non-perishable food items.


Also, support is given through local community events, such as run/walks like the 2017 Santa Fun Run, hosted by Camana Bay, where the food bank received a portion of the registration proceeds. Other notable fundraisers include concerts and music events, like the Williams’ production of the Russ Taff and Michael English concert, where the food bank received a portion of the gate proceeds.


Several companies have graciously supported the food bank in its formative stages, including Foster’s Food Fair, Progressive Distributors, Burger King, Mise en Place, Appleby, and CUC. These generous supporters have hosted food drives and donated funding for the food bank’s work.


The food bank will launch a ‘fill the bucket’ campaign at busy road intersections to collect food and raise funds. Watch out for upcoming dates!


To learn more visit www.caymanfoodbank.com, or email info@caymanfoodbank.com.


For more information on NPOs, please contact General Registry by emailing paul.inniss@gov.ky.

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