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Non-Profit: The Garden Club of Grand Cayman

Non-Profit Organisation(NPO) 18 Jul, 2018 Follow News

Non-Profit: The Garden Club of Grand Cayman

Attention all charities! Have you submitted your NPO application yet? To make sure you’re in compli-ance with the law, submit your pa-perwork before Tuesday, 31 July —and as a thank you, Government will waive the $300 application fee!


The Garden Club of Grand Cayman is all about maintaining the natural beauty of the Cayman Islands and cultivating a passion for gardening.


The Garden Club was created in 1957 by a group of dedicated citi-zens who wanted to beautify Cay-man, while the country was devel-oping as a tourist and offshore fi-nancial destination.


From the onset the Garden Club has sought to promote interest in, and knowledge of, gardening and enjoy-ment of the natural beauty that ex-ists in the Cayman Islands.


As part of these promotion efforts the Garden Club undertakes local community projects, either on its own or in collaboration with others to beautify our community. It should be noted that the garden club performs these beautification projects free of charge.


A number of beautification projects are currently in motion, including work at the East End Sun Rise Cottages, West Bay Golden Age Home, the Scouts Headquarters, and the upcoming landscaping pro-ject at Cayman Hospice Care. The club also proudly supports the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park through its annual family fun day.


The Garden Club believes its work can help to unify Cayman, as it feels a shared interest in garden-ing can foster friendship among persons of all races, nationalities, and backgrounds.


Outside of community projects, the Garden Club stages monthly meetings and programmes to en-courage gardening and build an understanding of local plants.


If you would like to become a member of the Garden Club, you will need to attend at least one meeting and submit an applica-tion, along with a CI$25 annual membership fee. Membership is open to all, with members keen to act on the club’s central theme to ‘keep Cayman clean and beautiful’.


The general public’s awareness of the Garden Club is promoted through the club’s biannual Flower Show, which is a major highlight on the local social calendar, with many ladies opting to showcase stylish hats.


For more information on garden-ing in Cayman, visit the Garden Club of Grand Cayman’s website at www.caymangardenclub.com; or email Jose-phine.Linton@gmail.com or Hol-lebon@aol.com.


For more information on NPOs, please contact General Registry by emailing paul.inniss@gov.ky.

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