The Office of Education Standards (OES) trained its latest group of associate inspectors to boost its team to 18 recently.
Eleven educators from Cayman Islands’ schools and early years centres and other education specialists attended the two-day interactive course (Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 September). Having successfully completed their training, they will now shadow experienced team members during in-school inspections.
“This group are our second round of trainees,” said OES Director and Senior Inspector Peter Carpenter.
“The Office of Education Standards is keen to build local capacity on island to support the regular programme of school inspections. Visiting and evaluating other schools and identifying best practice can help educational professionals to lead improvement of their own schools following their deployment on inspection,” he concluded.
According to Mr. Carpenter, whose office published its Annual Report 2019 earlier this month, candidates must meet strict criteria for selection and are required to pass a series of assessments before deployment. All are experienced and highly qualified educators with leadership experience in government or private schools. If a candidate is currently employed in the private sector they will be allocated to teams inspecting the government schools. Similarly, colleagues working in public schools will be deployed to private school inspections.
To read the OES’ Annual Report: “Every School A Good School,” visit

Eleven educators and education specialists attended the Office of Education Standards (OES) Assistant Inspector course (Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 September). The two-day training programme was facilitated by (backrow far right) OES Director/Senior Inspector Peter Carpenter and (front row far right) OES Senior Inspector Althea Edwards-Boothe
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